Thursday, 28 January 2016

Google Traffic for blog

Google Traffic for blog

If You are interested in high traffic for your blog. Then you need to understand Google strategies of ranking a website or blog for high traffic , once you have understood the google policies or strategies for site ranking,  then you can easily generating traffic for your blog. The following are important factors for google traffic

1.   Google is Intelligent

Google is intelligent search engine, and don’t try to deceive it. Google would rank you, when you deserve it. Google believe in fair play and any deceiving attempt for traffic generation would be caught by the Google.

2.   Google Value Your Effort

Google does not share blood relationship with anyone in the world, Google value your effort, so you must give a good attempt for creating a valuable article. You can trust Google for fair traffic for your effort.

3.   Google Helps People

Google help people and also encourage other to help people, so if your article is helpful for other people, then Google is going to rank your article appropriately. So write your article with a noble cause of helping people.

4.   Google Believes in Quality

Google recognized quality of your content, this is not only true about Google, but quality is recognized all over the world, Just Produce quality article, and trust Google. Believe me Quality is going to pay you.

5.   Google Support Diversified Ideas

Google believe that people should be provided with diversified ideas & solutions, so copying of idea or words would not help you for generating traffic for your blog. Google shall punish you for any copying attempt in two ways i.e.  (By Lowering the ranking of your blog and disqualify your blog for earning through ad sense)

6.   Structure of Article

Structure of article matter, your article should have a logical sequence. for example if you are given a step wise solution to a problem, then step should be in logical order, and solution must be complete one (no step should miss).

7.   Reasonable Tile for Blog Spot

For high traffic for blog, it is important that you must have appropriate title for your blog spot. I believe that quality content and appropriate blog title are two things to remember for generating traffic for your blog.

Ideal Size and Font for Blogger

Ideal Size and Font for Blogger

Font and size are two important factors for creating first impression about your blog.  Both of these should be selected carefully, there is no rocket science involve in the selection of font and Size for blog. You need to follow the world (check famous site’s font and sizes).

1.    Ideal Font

Blogger has solved the problem of font selection, and offer the six fonts. When you create new post, font format may be appearing under F sign.  While blogger itself suggesting the below mentioned format, we should not think anymore.  Millions of people are using blogger; therefore blogger cannot suggest wrong formats.


2.    Font Prohibited

This freed of choice and no format is prohibited in blogger, you can type any article with any font in word, and copy the article in the blogger post area and post the article.

3.    Ideal Size

Any size below 9 is too small, and size above 11 is too big. I have never visited a site or blog, which has less than 8 font or more than 12 fonts. The font size of 9, 10 and 11 are equally acceptable.

4.    Prohibited Sizes

Any size can be chosen by a blogger, but a rational decision would be between 9 and 11. So effectively there is no prohibition of any size. Size and format guidelines are more like a dressing guideline for good looking, but if someone does not follow the guidelines, then he has a right to decided otherwise (Look ugly).

Ideal Topic for blogging

Ideal Topic for blogging

Ideal topic for a blogging is a million dollar question, however, there are some strategies or approaches are available. Each topic selection strategy has some advantages and disadvantages.  These strategies have been explained below

1.    Many people are Searching

One idea is that, one should write on a topic which has large audience (search queries). It means that you will get some traffic, but critics say that this type of topic would have huge competition for you and millions of articles are already available on the topic, so your article would be appearing in page number 20000 in Google search ranking. No one has visited page number 20,000 for an article till date.

2.    Reasonably Unique Topic

Other strategy for topic selection is a unique topic.  Like why a house flies do not have any defense system like honey bee. This is very interesting topic, but any one searched this topic in last ten years, yeah 2 people in last 10 years. So topic should not be too much unique, rather topic should be reasonably unique.

3.    Fresh News & Developing Stories

Other concept or strategy is to pick up the fresh news of developing story, and update that news for few days, but I think Google would always rank newspaper sites for developing stories, and competing with newspaper sites would not be easy. Moreover, news has short life. (No body has interest after few days), Therefore you need to hundred rather thousand of stories to get desired result (high traffic)

4.    One Word Strategy

Other strategy for topic selection may be the one word strategy. For example you pick up a key word which would have interest of the people for coming ten years, and start writing different articles on this word. For Examples you have choose a word planning (types of planning, advantages of planning, reasons of planning, and so on until article number 100 reach). 

5.    Technical Solution

Other strategy for topic selection is your field of expertise, and you share your problems and experience with people, remember people would be more interested the solution of your problems, because they are facing the same problems, and want get rid of these problems.

6.    Unique Concept

Unique topic may be too much unique, but unique concept has the value. for example you select the topic i.e. fishing methods in the world, so each country would have two to three different fishing methods, so your blog would have 250 countries x 3 method each country= 750 articles or methods. This topic selection concept was unique.

Different people select different strategies, important thing, what would be your choice after reading this article, and once you have selected the option, create a quality content on the topic. my choice would be last three strategies ( one word strategy, unique concept, technical solutions),

Ideal length for a Paragraph

Ideal length for a Paragraph

Ideal length for a paragraph or paragraphs of a blog article should comprise of 3 to 4 lines. The reasons for keeping the paragraphs short have been explained below;

1.    People are Lazy

Many people are lazy in the world and would love to have easy and straight forward answer for their queries. Short paragraphs can serve the purpose. In case of long paragraph they have to make some effort for extracting the desired information.

2.    Google is Spoon feeder

Google search engine act as spoon feeder for many in the world by providing targeted solutions in few lines. This facility would not be available in case of long and lengthy paragraphs. Spoon feeding is loved by many and hates by few.

3.    Comprehension is recognized

If you remember old school days, you were examined in comprehension writing. Comprehension writing importance is recognized all over the world, and therefore all over the world comprehension writing is part of syllabus for schools and colleges.

4.    Time is Money

Time is money, I read somewhere that a billionaire, should not waste time to pick up a $10 currency note, because that time can be utilized to earn $ 100. So for many people in the world, including you, time is important factor, and they cannot afford to waste it by reading long paragraph for simple solutions or answers.

5.    Psychological Reason

There is also a psychological reason for having short paragraph, many people psychologically love short things, and for example many people are very good at answering MCQs, on other hand they perform badly in descriptive type questions. Therefore long paragraph articles are not preferred by many people for psychological reasons.

6.    Looking for Quick Solution

People are looking for simple solution for a problem, which has been explained in few lines (ideally in 3 to 4 lines), more importantly they are looking for a tip, and a tip can be provided in 3 to 4 lines. People are not reading blogs for exam preparation or developing a detailed concept, rather they are looking for quick solution of a problem.

7.    Blog is not story

A blog article is a technical solution of the problem, and it should not be write in story style. It makes sense to have continuity in a story, but technical solution can be more effectively explained in steps (short paragraphs).

8.    English is Foreign language for many

English is a foreign language for many people in the world. Total population of world is 7 billion, and English is a native language of only 1 billion people in the world, other 6 billion people does not have good command over English; therefore they need short and structured paragraph for better understanding.

9.    Sequence of Solution

Many technical solutions are offered in a sequence, and therefore small paragraphs in a sequence provide a logical solution of a problem. For example a person want to change his password in Gmail, then solution or procedure can be effectively explained with help of three to four paragraphs with a sequence. On other hand a twenty line solution for this problem is not recommended.

At the end I would like to mention that all paragraph of this post does not exceed 4 to five lines. Go and check again

Wednesday, 27 January 2016

Advantages of Globalization

Advantages of Globalization

Globalization is basically is uniting the people of the world. In simple word globalization is integration of the people of the world. Globalization concept based on the sharing of ideas, product, information, technology. Here we would explain economic globalization or impact of globalization on business.

1.    Boost in International Trade

Globalization has boosted the international trade phenomenally. This boost in trade has helped in building new relationship among the countries. The old rival countries have become friend due to international trade. Trade is defining the relationship between countries.

2.    Large Number of Customer

Globalization provides access to the large number of customer. Now whole world is your customer and there is 7 billion people are living in the world, so if you are shoe making company, then your market is 7 billion people.

3.    More Options

Customer has large number of choices and can select the best product for them within given their budget limits. Customers have more options to plan their budget effectively.

4.    Product Quality Improves

Quality product is available to the customer. There is huge competition and everyone wants to get its share, and this share can be got by making customer happy. Thus customer is receiving high quality product at lower prices.

5.    Innovative Products

Globalization has result in the introduction of innovative products. Now a touch screen in mobile industry is a common feature, but some years back, it was a dream. This innovation has brought many facilities to the common man life.

6.    Introduction of Technology & Business practices

Globalization has transferred the modern technology and advance business practices to the developing countries. Now these countries growth rates are touching new skies.

7.    Cultural understanding

Globalization has helped to understand different cultures of the world. This cultural understanding has helped businessman in many ways. product can be designed & marketed as per the cultural requirements of the countries.

Important Factors for Foreign Market Entry

 Important Factors for Foreign Market Entry

There are number of factor considered by the company before taking the entry decision in the foreign market. These factors include size of the firm, option availability, market size, risk assessment, Brand image & Quality, availability of resources and economies of scale & cost. These factors have been explained below;

1.    Size of Firm

First factor is size and capacity of the firm. Large firm go for establishing manufacturing facility, where small firm opt for exporting option. Small firm cannot afford to set an independent manufacturing facility, because it requires huge investments.

2.    Option Available

In liberal economies there is open competition, but in case of controlled economies, there are some restrictions are placed by the government. It means that foreign company cannot set manufacturing facility in all sectors. Some countries also have some export restrictions (exports Quotas etc)

3.    Market Size

Size of market is also one of important factor for deciding the type of entry. For large market like china and India, the direct manufacturing is more feasible than exporting, because exporting is an expensive option.

4.    Different Risk

There are number of risk associated with foreign investment. In case of export the risk are limited (foreign currency exchange risk), where foreign subsidiary is exposed to number of risks which included different political risks (risk of war, political instability, policy change, tax rate change risk) and also face foreign currency risk.

5.    Brand Image

In case of contract manufacturing the brand image and quality is at stake. For large companies brand image and quality has fundamental importance and these companies are most concerned about the quality of product and brand image.

6.    Availability of Resources

Availability of resources (skilled labour, material, technology) is also important factor for deciding entry mode for foreign market. For example a Boeing company cannot be set up in Afghanistan.

7.    Economies of Scale & Cost

Economies of scale and cost are also important factors for deciding the entry mode. It is important to note that labors are cheaper in country like china and India. Therefore many large organizations are setting manufacturing facilities in India & china.

Types of Entry in Foreign Market

Types of Entry in Foreign Market

A company can enter into a foreign company in number of ways. Entry options of company can be explained in term of direct exporting, indirect exporting, contract manufacturing and setting up a manufacturing facility. each entry has its own advantages and disadvantages, which has been briefly mentioned below;

1.    Direct Export

Manufacture may directly export and sell product in the foreign country without any third party. The advantages of direct export include maximum profit, exploring and understanding the market, retention the market. There are also some disadvantages of indirect export, which include high staff cost, high risk exposures, no cost sharing.

2.    Indirect Export

In indirect export the goods are not directly sold in foreign market, rather it is sold through a distributor or other agent. The advantages of indirect export include more market access, limited political risks etc. Disadvantages of indirect export include profit sharing, risk of losing market etc.

3.    Contact Manufacturing

In contract manufacturing company does not establish its own manufacturing facility, rather manufacturing rights (trade mark) is offered to some local manufacturer against fees. The typical arrangement in this regard is to use brand name of the company against fees or royalty. Company can earn more profit with no investment, limited foreign investment risk.

4.    Owned Manufacturing Facility

Organization may decide to set up a fully owned subsidiary in the foreign country. This arrangement has number of advantages like customer relationship, wining public orders, lowering the cost of production. Disadvantages of wholly owned manufacturing facility are more exposure to different kind of risk i.e. foreign currency risk, political risks etc.

Geo Centrism Concept

Geo Centrism Concept

Geo centrism concept is basically combination of ethnocentrism and poly centrism concept of internal business. Geo centrism approach does take into account the local culture and incorporate local requirement in the overall direction or business plans of company.

1.    Combined & Balanced Approach

Geo centrism approach is combined and balance approach of business. It does consider the foreign market as new market with some requirements (Local requirements), but it also values the strategic direction of organization.

2.    Cultural Requirement Considered

Cultural requirement of a market considered for market and other business plans. Organization makes required amendment in overall policies to incorporate local requirements. It means in Geo centrism approach, operational policies can be amended & implemented by local management.

3.    Overall Direction

In this approach overall direction or strategic direction of the organization does not lost, because policies are not totally changed due to local requirement ,rather local requirement are incorporated case to case bases ,and such changes mostly relates to operations, and does not change or effect strategic directions.

4.    Centered & Local Decision Making

In geo centrism approach some decision are made by the central management, and some decision are taken at local level. it means that strategic and major decision are taken by the key management and market and operational decision are made by local management.

Ideal Blog Post Length

Ideal Blog Post Length

Ideal blog article or blog post length mainly depends on subject of articles. Some articles subject may be explained in few hundred words, other subjects may require more than 1000 words.

1.    Does Length Matter

I think length does not matter for search engine, I created on blog with only 180 word and it get top ranking in Google , on other hand I created many blogs with more than 500 word, but these blogs are not appearing anywhere in Google search results.

2.    Minimum Blog Post Length

Length does not matter a lot, but a too short blog is not recommended in any case. You would rarely found any blog article in top ranking with less than 100 words. Therefore minimum blog article length should be 200 words. Again a concept well explained in 200 words has value for search engines.

3.    Maximum Blog Post Length

Many people love targeted solution and not interested in stories. Therefore, any required query can be easily answered in 500 words. Therefore each blog article should be well structure to answer a query in 400 to 500 words. Most of my blog posts do not exceed 400 hundred words.

4.    Too Much knowledge

People read blog article for short answer and target solutions. For detailed analyses or concepts, people love to read books and research paper.  Therefore blog article must be well planned & targeted.

5.    Length Vs Relevance

Blog article should reveal the relevant information of searched articles. It is important to remember that it is not writing competition of long writing, but it is competition of providing right information.

6.    500 Words may be Benchmark

Keeping in view all the above things in mind, recommended blog length is 400 to 500 words. Believe me or not that this is a safe zone, and write quality content with this length can generate traffic for you. I already told you that even a blog with 180 words can be top ranked.

At the end, I would like to mention that this blog contains 290 words only.