of budget Preparation
1. Identification of key Factor
First stage in budget preparation is to
identify the key factor for budget. Identification of key factor depends on the
nature of business, however, normally for majority of businesses sales is key
factor. It is important to remember that key factor provides bases for budget
2. Key Factor Budget
second stage in budget preparation is to prepare the budget of key factor
(sales budget). The key factor budget provides bases for other functional
budgets. Therefore a great care must be exercised while preparing the key
factor budget. If budgets of key factor are not accurately prepared the whole
process of budget will be at stake.
3. Functional
Third stage in budget
preparation is to prepare functional budgets; the other functional budget will
be prepared in logical sequence. The typical sequence would be budget for
production, and then budget for inventories, labor.
4. Review
of Budget
Fourth stage in budget preparation is to
submit to the budget approving authority for review. The budget is reviewed by
the budget committee and budget is explained to budget committee. The committee
may require the further explanation and May also recommends the changes in the
proposed budgets
5. Incorporate Changes
Fifth stage of budget preparation is to
incorporate changes recommended by the review committee. The budget is amended
in accordance with recommendation of the budget committee.
6. Master Budget
In sixth stage of budget preparation,
functional budgets are incorporated into master budget. The master budget is
overall budget for whole organization. Master budget is final product and used
for different purposes i.e. directing activities, controlling cost etc.
7. Budget Approval
In this stage of budget preparation, budget
is placed to board of director for approval. The key objective is explained to
board of directors and board of director approves the budget in principal. The
budget may be approved by board of director without any change or may approve
the budget after some changes and amendments.
8. Communicate
the budget
this stage of budget preparation, budget is communicated to the relevant
manager for implementation. The manager has a formal approved document in their
hands and this document provides a basic guideline for activities to be carried
out and range of those activities especially in financial terms.
9. Monitor the budget
budget may be divided into shorter budget. example monthly and quarterly budget. It is
necessary to sub divide the budget for control purpose. The management keeps a
close eye on periodical budget. The variance is calculated and required
adjustment is made to achieve the overall objective.
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