Thursday 28 January 2016

Ideal length for a Paragraph

Ideal length for a Paragraph

Ideal length for a paragraph or paragraphs of a blog article should comprise of 3 to 4 lines. The reasons for keeping the paragraphs short have been explained below;

1.    People are Lazy

Many people are lazy in the world and would love to have easy and straight forward answer for their queries. Short paragraphs can serve the purpose. In case of long paragraph they have to make some effort for extracting the desired information.

2.    Google is Spoon feeder

Google search engine act as spoon feeder for many in the world by providing targeted solutions in few lines. This facility would not be available in case of long and lengthy paragraphs. Spoon feeding is loved by many and hates by few.

3.    Comprehension is recognized

If you remember old school days, you were examined in comprehension writing. Comprehension writing importance is recognized all over the world, and therefore all over the world comprehension writing is part of syllabus for schools and colleges.

4.    Time is Money

Time is money, I read somewhere that a billionaire, should not waste time to pick up a $10 currency note, because that time can be utilized to earn $ 100. So for many people in the world, including you, time is important factor, and they cannot afford to waste it by reading long paragraph for simple solutions or answers.

5.    Psychological Reason

There is also a psychological reason for having short paragraph, many people psychologically love short things, and for example many people are very good at answering MCQs, on other hand they perform badly in descriptive type questions. Therefore long paragraph articles are not preferred by many people for psychological reasons.

6.    Looking for Quick Solution

People are looking for simple solution for a problem, which has been explained in few lines (ideally in 3 to 4 lines), more importantly they are looking for a tip, and a tip can be provided in 3 to 4 lines. People are not reading blogs for exam preparation or developing a detailed concept, rather they are looking for quick solution of a problem.

7.    Blog is not story

A blog article is a technical solution of the problem, and it should not be write in story style. It makes sense to have continuity in a story, but technical solution can be more effectively explained in steps (short paragraphs).

8.    English is Foreign language for many

English is a foreign language for many people in the world. Total population of world is 7 billion, and English is a native language of only 1 billion people in the world, other 6 billion people does not have good command over English; therefore they need short and structured paragraph for better understanding.

9.    Sequence of Solution

Many technical solutions are offered in a sequence, and therefore small paragraphs in a sequence provide a logical solution of a problem. For example a person want to change his password in Gmail, then solution or procedure can be effectively explained with help of three to four paragraphs with a sequence. On other hand a twenty line solution for this problem is not recommended.

At the end I would like to mention that all paragraph of this post does not exceed 4 to five lines. Go and check again

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